Fire and Ice Mafia - Fire Mafia Wins! (2/13 Alive)

what the is an earth check btw?

Memesky, I know it’s in your name but pls stop meme’ing

Well there a hidden bastard mechanic where the doctor and cop is actually on the earth team.

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Apparently i vote with my fire vig friend ln who to shoot

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Welp rip, we can never stop Meme from memeing


Hey vote with me.

Or I’ll be forced to conclude your on a scum team with ici.

No shit im real vig

It’s no lynch or random lynch :man_shrugging:

/Vote Ici

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/vote ashe bastard game test


If we get super lucky they will shoot each other lol

@discobot roll1d13

Im fire vigi im shooting ici my partner is htm

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot roll 1d13

:game_die: 6

/No Lunch

/vote m

/vote Ashe

Seems like the safest vote rn

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Are you voting yourself?


No u