Fire and Ice Mafia - Fire Mafia Wins! (2/13 Alive)


And you’re not???

Lol don’t say that like you’re better than me


I still have no idea what I did


well I know who I’m deathtunneling tommorow
also can someone find my WIM, i’ve appeared to have lost it

after the strategy I’ve been planning to use from the start of the game failed I’ve kinda just given up

What was that?

me fakeclaiming doctor to draw attacks from the real one, which depended on the real one NOT counterclaiming

:man_shrugging: ur loss if town

I mean I was scared :frowning:

So are we agreeing remaining scum are Meme, Livicus and Marl/Ici?

yeah, that seems a pretty good gamesolve to me

So wut now?

I’m willing for the order of lynches to be
Livicus > Memesky > Marl > PANIC

Can I just say that if Livicus somehow flips town Pug needs to be policy lynched in the next FM alongside Meme if possible

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Why pug?

Because he made that slot look like obvscum

Meme should be good cuz hes being a meme

Tho maybe hes changed his strat…

And it’s not like Livicus could salvage it