Fire and Ice Mafia - Fire Mafia Wins! (2/13 Alive)

Welcome to Fire and Ice Mafia!

This is a multiball mafia setup where two individual mafia teams try to take control of the town, and get rid of the other. (Since turbo formats require me to be more active, we’re doing this instead :stuck_out_tongue:)


• Days last 72 hours, and nights last 24 hours.
• Lynch is majority, and there is a day one lynch (no lynch is an option).
• Both mafia teams have a day and night chat.
• If both mafia teams target the same person, neither will successfully kill them.
• It is made clear on a death which mafia team was responsible for killing the player.


Fire Mafia Goon
Fire Mafia Goon
Ice Mafia Goon
Ice Mafia Goon

Role Cards

Fire Mafia Goon

Factional Kill (Night) - Each night phase, one of you or your partner may perform the factional kill.
You win when the other mafia team is eliminated and you control 50% of the town or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

Ice Mafia Goon

Factional Kill (Night) - Each night phase, one of you or your partner may perform the factional kill.
You win when the other mafia team is eliminated and you control 50% of the town or nothing can prevent this from occurring.


Heal (Night) - Each night phase, you may protect one player other than yourself in the game from being nightkilled.
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.


Your weapon is your vote. You have no night actions.
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

Player List & Graveyard

  1. Firekitten - Died N3 - Doctor
  2. Icibalus - Lived - Fire Mafia Goon
  3. Memesky - Died D4 - Citizen
  4. Marluxion - Died N4 - Fire Mafia Goon
  5. MaximusPrime - Died N3 - Citizen
  6. MtheJoker - Died N2 - Ice Mafia Goon
  7. Celeste_Ludenberg - Died N1 - Citizen
  8. htm - Died N4 - Ice Mafia Goon
  9. Sam17z - Died D1 - Citizen
  10. Parfait - Died D2 - Super Secret Jester
  11. Pug > Livicus - Died D3 - Citizen
  12. Eevee - Died N1 - Citizen
  13. Vulgard - Lived - Citizen


I saw fire!


Wynaut, preparing to quickhammer 19 times



It’s like multiball mountainous with a doctor :thinking:


Should we all claim doctor and see how that goes

also here’s to hoping that i get a decent scumbuddy if I rand scum

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Inb4 this ends up as a tie

If it does, nobody wins.
If the final 4 are all 4 mafia
everyone loses

They can’t kill each other?

It’ll still end up as a tie tho

Oh okay.

ye, neither of them can stop it from being S C O R C H E D E A R T H then
actually, on MS scorched earth scenarios are counted as town wins

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The doctor can win if they are left with two mafia.

The mafia could both attack the doctor then the doctor doesn’t die.

One mafia could attack the other mafia while the other attacks the doctor leading too the other one winning.

Or they can attack each other and doctor doesn’t vote so he may win solo.

Thankfully thats not the case here :thinking:
Ashe even noted in the town rolecard that one townie must survive



@Margaret If you join you can have 2x the chance to kill me night 1 :thinking:

