Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

He was being consistently pressured by the votes, so he kind of had to do it. Assuming we find no scum by EoD I imagine Livi would be the person most likely to flip Mafia.

Oh hey since you’re here did Livi claim to you in marriage chat?

Absolutely. And I cannot say his claim outside the marriage chat.

I know exactly why he cannot claim and I am in no position either to claim

Hey, I’m on mobile atm, can someone link me to today’s event that Ici was so happy to announce? The one after the proposals?

The event is over, Marcus

Here you go, Marcus

I’m on mobile too btw

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Also abilities and passives

And I don’t know too much about that, I think there are better votes, such as the sheepers here who’ve been saying stuff, not neccessarily inactives like Poke or Cassar

Just saw this
Sowwy Puggo I was taken from the very beginning! :3

Im right here

oh hey Poke, would you mind saying why you sheeped me? You didn’t give any reasoning

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Tbh, I dont remember

Was it just because others were voting me at the time?


before poke digs himself his grave I told him to vote with me because I wanted to pressure livicus.

I don’t really blame him. Your behavior there was just weird and seemed too much like a scum-slip.

okay fair enough then

and I can see that, but I can explain more on Day 2