Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

did some marriage couples not claim to each other?


I prefered to mock Icibalus instead.

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so you and wolfy don’t trust each other, but you can see each others’ flavors

Our flavors are a perfect match actualy.

Okay. Grand Mass Clam D2 Okae? :3
Actually I don’t see why that’s a bad idea if we all say our flavour names.

Unless… you’re like me… who doesn’t even need to reveal flavour name for people to know my class.

Also I played with Livi as scum before and this is nit his scoom self I assure everybody :3

It’s a extremely bad idea and you even thinking it could be a good idea is bad. You don’t know if we say our names that allow someone to snipe us. Telling our names don’t even tell our alignments so mass claiming is useless and just tells the evils who to kill.


Telling flavors would not help to find aligment tho

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You’re kinda right. Wait. That’s exactly why I didn’t wanna claim the others in the first place >_>

Pew pew. Let us go. We are good people. Just normal Nohrian Town Scum.

I missed the event didn’t I?

rip me

did you two commit incest

Ohnoes you missed the event like me
I’m saddu now too

That sounds soooo scummy tbh. Tho it could be just cuz their new

Sarun what were you typing? I’d like to hear what you were thinking of

I have made my assumption that they are Town based on what was going on in my chat. I don’t think they would answer like that as scum unless someone was feeding them answers they seem perfectly fine to me.

I’ll be honest here. Shurian and Livicus in general are just giving me a bad vibe. They’ve basically spent the entire game pushing for mass flavor/ability claims without any reasoning in a closed setup that may even have role/flavor sniper for Mafia. Along with Livicus’ “is it bad…” comment and whatnot it really makes me believe that either one of the pairing is Mafia and the other one is being strung along for the ride.

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I would like you to explain this please, because Unknown is tunneling you rn, because of what you said in your marriage chat with him.

I figured something was like this, but to be fair, we could claim right now if that would help you, I’m not saying this game is based on flavor, but it probably has a good amount of connections

I’d want to see your explanation to why both of you are acting this way. Claiming doesn’t work as it’s a closed setup.

That would require me to claim tbh

Which I am afraid to do.

Our role list lists you as town lol but you’re on the wrong track.

Me and Livi can claim right now… but we prefer not to…