Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Because they are new. I’m trying to teach them and I think I made a little progress. I told them to vote liv plus you would expect that type of response from a new person.

Right now i’m trying to make them quote something and see why they find it sus they are making good progress tho

Livi’s more active and Shuri is more passive, so I think it could be the opposite. Either way I’d imagine any one of the two will be a good lynch for today.

Actually, I should and would use my ability now. >_>

Just gonna say, you guys are overreading into this.

All I’ll say is, I believe that my spouse (Livi) is town.
And also, I only have a day ability, but my child is pretty darn strong. Its observer-esque (Only on Day 3 apparently).

And no not lynching either of us is good.

Night 3* My bad

My train of logic:

Livi is doing things he’s being scumread for
Shuri is completely fine with it and basically says it makes sense for both of their classes, which is the key here - if we assume he’s maf, he might’ve claimed second and tailored his claim to fit his spouse’s
Livi is active and might either get mislynched or eventually townread
Shuri is staying out of it and can either defend Livi later or lynch them depending on how he reads the situation, either way earning towncred

This is all a bit too convenient for him if we assume he’s Mafia

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Honestly even though I assumed livicus was town he could not be and I just may of assumed incorrectly and should of waited.

Was my logic that scum would of want to push the attention away from them any good even if livicus is scum?

Livicus was under pressure, so I don’t think that would have been an option.

On a scale of 1-10 how do I rate towncred and why should I care about towncred? Oh to not get lynched.

Urgh jeez I dunno what to say, I ain’t a fan of salt but I am getting tired ahhh

All I see is
Livi getting upped.
I think not
I defend Livi.
I have no idea what all the rest even means!

Mass claiming? Yes, I didn’t think that through, mass flavouring will only focus more on the people with the strong talents, which means a lot to scum. I didn’t read that before, I only thought that names only wouldnt hurt, because people won’t know what the names meant!

Like my class. What is my class? Odin! And his ability, need I say more? Useless garbage!

I’m outta here. Its 1 AM and gosh I wont be able to sleep

He was being upped for his general scummy behavior.

There was like 0 reason to claim there livicus was getting pressured not you.

I am saying that I think not. Thats a reason enough for me to claim.

I dont even know why you claimed, and it still kinda doesnt explain your actions with Liv tbh. This just feels forced and I dislike this post in general. The reason for upping Liv was explained multiple times from Sarun and FK, and you kind of ignored it.

/vote Shurian

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Urgh… I don’t even know where to begin

Imma just go to the graveyard now. I’ll just take this death with a grain of salt and see you all rage at me after the match.

Wait if you guys lynch Shuri I lose my kids

Are you Azura?

I was soft claiming so hard althroughout day 1

holy shit, there was no need FOR THE FUCKING SOFT CLAIMS.

I genuinely hate how both you and shurian are playing this game already. Its horrendous.

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Why softclaim in a closed setup. I quickly realized this from playing that if you soft claim in a closed setup it kinda means nothing.

Names mean NOTHING towards alignment

I guess but I’m betting on the fact that scum don’t have their snipe stuff yet

But Shurian you have been acting different than inside the marriage chat being honest