Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Please not another livicus situation have mercy on us

I would claim but I am too scared. I will soft this

I hate (name) so my (thing) has a better chance at killing them

I think I get what you mean but this still sounds like a ridiculous point of contention to me, why Unknown would push you this strongly is beyond my understanding

The only reason Unknown may have pushed this, was for a potential myslynch. Just my opinion on it.

I completely disagree; this was a terrible attempt if I’ve ever seen one because the only person who can fully understand why Unknown did this the way he did is apparently Unknown himself

It was fucking weird in general. He death tunneled it incredibly hard.

That’s why I think Unknown is Town or some sort of Scorned; but leaning town

Htm, on the other hand…

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Honestly let’s make a rule.

We are going to set up like a ITA rule and if anyone breaks it they get shot.

1.Before shooting give a reason as to why you want to shoot said person.
2.We need more rules.

Mainly I’m afraid of scum using “for the memes” as a excuse and shooting someone and getting away with shooting them because it was for the memes.


I honestly just want Unknown + htm to be online and explain this so I don’t have to wrap my head around this like I have to wrap my head around FK and Celeste

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Please tell me why do you have trouble understanding me this game.

I feel like people are using past games to say that and I don’t like it because I been legit trying yet I still get called a “spammer” or stuff like that.

Agreed. I already dealt with a VI today. It hurts tbh.

I was joking about the 2nd part but serious about the first

I gave you a dividing line, sorry for being unclear I suppose

Another rule should be at least 7 people agree withthat ITA

I haven’t actually read you yet so I suppose I should start doing that but I don’t like Shuri/htm for now

I also expected more actives, seeing as this is a 34 player game

Don’t worry the race to 10k is on

but on the whole Unknown/htm situation, I feel htm’s BS claim is a bit susp, although Unknown seems heavily hooked on it

These character things so confused tho.I am not understanding this characters but you are going so much for mechanical confirmation

LOL easy claim easy life

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No fuck that

If you’re gonna take a random shot you should expect to get shot back but in no way am I ever going to try and make people garner support first

That’s just handing the Mafia power