Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!


Lord @Margaret, you happy?


You want a rice ball? So you’re not anger with me, Lord @Margaret

No anger now :smiley:

@Marluxion Hey Marl when is next event? It seems like at this point, its gonna be 1am every day in EST. Thats fine for me since Im beautiful. Not too good for Twi though


it was more like 1 am at PST, missed it completely


I just need my wife to win a prize :thinking:

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Yeah it was actually 4 AM lol

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Same thing, late for EST bois

GMT & BST 4 Life

Actually I will be up at 1:30 this morning, not 4:00 like usual

So please hold it at 6:30 BST @Icibalus @Marluxion :slight_smile:

You know there’s as much of us Americans as Brits on this

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Exactly stares at my wife

But much agreed, think we’re due for an event soon as it seems like the discussion here died down


We got a solid scumcore so np

scumcore? who’s in it


I’ll talk more about that tommorow.

I ship 'em.


I have a weird feeling that chaos is going to ensue tomorrow and I’m not sure if I should be scared

but eevee married wolfy

and pkr married blizer

Yes yes Livicus, I have a list of actual good claims, genders, factions :wink: