Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Well tldr

It wasn’t in my intention to start any kind of mass claim, why would I go reveal myself as scum if I were already under suspicion for inciting mass claims?

I was damn tired and did not stop to think my dudes.

I’m far, far more careful as scum than this shitshow I did. FeelsBadMan

Alright. Im glad you could explain your actions in a better state of mind, where you are more focused. You defintely bring up a good point of being reckless, and how scum want to avoid avoid attention D1 mostly, and it is something to note. The reason why i called your playstyle at the time horrendous, was because the game is a closed set up and we had been explaining for the past 20 min to Liv at that point of time, on how flavors could confirm people as town or maf. You went along with it, and it was something that i had to question at the time. Im sorry if i put you in a terrible mood about it, but it was something that was incredibly odd and it seemed like baad play to me.

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Yeah looking back and reading my own posts was like

Since I dont have a picture lemme try to put into words…

The time I drank coke and put mint mentos while trying to gulp it down.

wait so you’re going to save my kids? Thank you

and rate me on how I’ve been scumreading once I stopped trying to use flavors

When did you think this would a good idea?


Honestly, quite good. Definitively townlean for me atm.

Think that’s called a metaphor

And thanks, I’ve been trying to be less memey

Rate me :wink:

/unvote Shurian

So then, who do we want to focus today for lynching?

Also pretty good. townlean aswell.

I know that it’s usually bad manners to poke the inactives but I want to pressure them, specifically Ashe who rejected Unknown in marriage

I really want to vote Ashe just for pressure but I don’t know how much time we have left.

That was funny we had the same idea lol

I think we just need to have the most votes on her by EoD

Im not the biggest pusher for inactives D1 tbh, but later on i will focus them alot more. Im on borad for pressuring Ashe thou, because her rejecting unknown was weird.

/vote Ashe

I mean she wasn’t completely inactive, but much less than a good majority of us

Have you tried?

I did.
My mouth burnt at that point but it was fun haha.

Ashe can put up a good argument when pressured and its kinda hard to read her regardless. Ashe’s a good scumreader and a dangerous scum if she is one.

Twi is the moneymaker of the family

I’m tired of people explaining they did something for the memes because it makes it a lot harder to know if they are scum not having a good excuse