Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Do read the descriptions too

no thx

I taught my Daughter that it is okay to be sexually attracted to men or women. She came to the conclusion that she was Bi, and i support her 100% on who she dates.

Yeah I don’t know if I like that very much

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Well then, i guess we are at an impass.


Lord Xander and Lord Ryoma haven’t announced anything. They must be busy

Nah my guess is that someone is sleeping

People can make whatever decisions that they want. Our Daughters can make the decision to love each other. It would be wrong to get in the way of that.

If they are sleeping that means I’m gonna miss another event during my bedtime


and same

Oh and about that big purple text
Yeah that was in my class card

I mean, they did think it through :3

I have a feeling Sarun may be attacked tonight. It’s just this feeling tbh.

(Ignore this wrong game)

I may have casted it on the wrong person.


Firekitten is always oddly correct

What do you mean I’m always oddly correct btw?

I dunno. Mafia apparently has a tendency to try to emulate the words to throw suspicion on you or something. I could be wrong but usually I think they would do that, considering that you’re not viewed as “op lock town” most of the time.

I mean makes it easier for unsuspecting town to just swooo on you and cause a mislynchu


How does mafia attacking Sarun make the mafia frame me?
Just wondering.

That was like a really dumb statement tbh.

Am I brainfarting again?

I was thinking off the point that
“Firekitten’s predictions always come true, he must be mafia playing with us”

And then after I posted it
“Why doesnt the mafia kill firekitten first, that makes absolutely no sense”

I’m probably brainfarting or something, NAGA SAVE ME

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