Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

thought it was “no u” there instead

Also, do we pardon Ashe or let her go to the bottomless canyon

Honestly your actually Town to me in one post tbh. There was a post where you didn’t care about looking Town and scum would of totally tried to look Town instead of that.

He’s sus tbh

damn normal memeskys: “no u”
me. an intellectual: zelda mirror shield

Eh I would like her to explain what they read as scum right now. Because right now they are defending themselves by saying it was a meme.

You will eat ita


I’d highly like you NOT to ITA me.
I’m a big help

Honestly with pug and meme in the thread I feel like they are going to activate memeing litten so Ima go now.


I have higher ita accuracy and as NK im Immune to ita


Random ITA = scum.

but yes. I know you’re joking Meme

yes :eyes:

Nobody would yolo ITA unless they wanted to be known as confirmed scum.

(but if you yolo ita scum. that’s a different story)

Ur sus i gotta

okay whoever has the ability to decrease ITA hit rates, use it on Memesky


if you kill me.

I’ll kill Hippo


You sure he can die :wink:

bhoy that’s past your bedtime tho