Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Start of ITAs: 6PM BST
End of ITAs: 6PM BST

is the alternate ITA schedule I’m thinking of

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btw i need feedback for this schedule as well
it’d work 10 times better on MU because of auto-ITAs but I don’t think me and marl can cover every time on that, which is why the concentrated times exist

  • Concentrated ITAs twice per day, each lasting 1 hour.
  • Full-day ITAs starting after a 10 hour delay from SoD

0 voters


I prefer the other one as will most americans, having day start and end 2AM every time will be annoying as we can never see the flip

Scroll up? I do it all the time by hosts who live in America

No shit lmao

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I didn’t mean literally not see flips, I meant never being around at the start of the day to see the flips would be annoying.

i realise that this is going to be a tricky issue but personally the concentrated phases are 100% more doable for me and marl, and I think having them all day would dilute the experience

if enough people are unhappy with it I’ll try to do 24 hour ITAs but don’t expect it to work well


I know lel the scroll up was a joke, but I do it all the time and I don’t really find it that annoying, when I am around SoD it usally takes about an hour before as many people are awake and on as in the middle of the day

Maybe, I’m used to being in Europe where we basically always get EoD and SoD during the day so maybe I’m spoiled.

Hippo voted poll twice.Alt account ban them


Das what i thought :sunglasses:

There is two of you in pools ?

He is just a random bloke who has same name as me

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And same pic ?

Yeah he really likes me it’s weird


Different flags tho :wink:


Oof why i don’t have fans like this.Will get one soon

also is there anyone here who ONE HUNDRED PERCENT cannot reliably get to at least one ITA phase if they’re at 6PM BST and 9AM BST and last 1 hour each?