Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

3 minutes until EoD, don’t think Ashe will have time

Ashe had time to defend herself tbh

and Psycho’s still on me

Ashe chimes in

“Hey I’m town”


In the MU Champs I got cfd’d onto with under a minute left

Unsurprisingly I flipped Town Jailkeeper

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If you’re very convinced about Ashe being Mafia then very well. I still don’t buy that Unknown is town however.

A single minute remains until the sun sets. Prepare yourselves for the coming night.

if that’s the only post from her that would guarantee my vote on her

See you guys tomorrow

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Alright N1 is incoming everyone do your stuff

Interrogate your spouses

Have fun with PKR Orange ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

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Also Simon still hasn’t accepted my proposal ;_;

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Dusk Falls. Cease posting.


Chapter 2:



Hinoka was trapped. Pursued by Nohrian forces, she called for reinforcements…

Hinoka: Nohrian scum! Catching me unawares while I was peacefully rescuing Hoshidian citizens trapped in your hellhole of a kingdom.

Nohrian Commander: Heh. Shoot her down, outlaws… but make it slow. Ah. Ha. Ha.

Hinoka: …!

Hinoka’s pegasus speeds up, as arrows strike towards her.

Hinoka: Dammit… I’m nearly trapped… Wait! A detatchment!

Hinoka flew toards to detachment… and an arrow was fired on her by them as well. It hits her in the wing as her pegasus spirals down

Hinoka: WHAT! Filthy traitors… How dare you! Leaving me to die at the hands of those… those animals!

You hear a distinct clip-clopping of artificial hooves… the skilled mechanist Yukimura approaches Hinoka…

Yukimura: I think we should be calling YOU a traitor here, Hinoka… I don’t believe it, but I have orders direct from the high council…

Hinoka: No… no! Ryoma would never let this happen! I can’t die! This war must be won! THERE HAS TO BE A WAR!

Hinoka’s pegasus, spurred by Hinoka one last time, speeds up into the sky and spirals down as Hinoka’s naginata prepares to pierce Yukimura’s heart… and stops.

Yukimura’s shuriken is stuck in Hinoka’s heart. She falls to the ground, dead.

Hinoka (Ashe) has been lynched.


Ashe reveals as…




“All my life I’ve been searching for you. Finally; I’ve found you!”

You are Hinoka, the elder princess of Hoshido. You are a skilled sky knight who is dedicated to fighting off the Nohrian menace and protecting Hoshido. You are the ITA Master

Every day, you may do ONE of the following actions:

Each day, you may target a player, healing them from the first ITA shot that hits them today. (The shot will end up ‘Hit - Nobody died!’)

Each day, you may fire a second silent shot in addition to your regular one. This shot will have an ITA accuracy of 20%.

You win when the Mafia’s numbers outnumber the town’s.


Night 1 begins and will end in 24 hours.

Marriage chats will be randomised now.

@Simon has been prodded. Please be active in the following days or you may be modkilled, replaced, or shot.