Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Game =/= N0

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Flora… Felicia… I’m dreaming something
there’s… there’s soome truth I’m missing
there are people who’s faces I’ve never seen before
and yet I feel just as close to them as I do to Xander, Leo, Elise and Camilla.


Night Zero begins. It will end on the 26th at 18:00 BST

Rolecards will go out about an hour before then.


Prolouge: Branch of Fate

The great armies of Hoshido and Nohr had met upon the plains. Corrin, the son of King Sumeragi raised by King Garon in Nohr, had to make a decision. Both sides begged for him to join them…

Corrin: My family…


Corrin: No, this isn’t right! Someone must want Hoshido and Nohr to fight! It’d take great influence from both kingdoms… But someone’s doing it!

Xander: What are you saying, Corrin? There are hidden traitors among us?

Corirn: That’s exactly what I’m say-

Xander: You dare question your family, who’ve raised you all your li~

Ryoma: Shut your mouth, Nohrian scum. How dare you take our son and claim him as a tool for your own husk of a King’s sadistic needs!

Corrin: Ryoma, Xander! There’s no need to fight, can’t you see that someone else is causing~

Ryoma: Foolish Corrin. This war is required. Now stand aside and come back to Hoshido with us! Your family!

Xander: You won’t take him anywhere!

Ryoma: Very well. From now on, the states of Hoshido and Nohr are at war!
draws the Raijinto

Xander: I accept your challenge. Let us fight! For the glory of Nohr!
draws Siegfried

Ryoma: For the honor of Hoshido!

But Corrin’s words were heard. As he stood in the background, unable to stop the conflict, those who heard him knew one thing; they needed to find whoever was starting the war. The battle begins between those traitors who have sowed the seeds of dissent for years and the ones who simply want to live in peace…

Day One: Far Dawn, begins now!

You have 48 hours. After 48 hours whoever has the most votes will be lynched.

Mechanical info will be revealed in the next two hours.


I was here since 12:55 EST

So maybe we could find about who got rolled

are the Nohrians scum? Vallites?


I guess Xander, Corrin, Ryoma are confirmed as flavor

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Not that it matters

Chapter 1:

Nohr and Hoshido


This world has been divided in two for years. Proud Nohr in the west and Kind Hoshido in the east. The continent was divided eons ago by the Dawn Dragon and the Dusk Dragon, and in their slumbers the two nations have variously thrived, fallen, warred, and killed.

The nations are in a blood feud at this point. Their various hot and cold wars have defined the global landscape of the world’s poltics. Now, all nations have to be faced with the question, every time there is a summit: Are you with Nohr, or are you wih Hoshido?

It’s impossible to be neutral. And it’s always soon known who you ally yourselves to.

It will be revealed what country a player belongs to; Nohr or Hoshido. Anyone in the grey area will align with whoever’s country they are closest to.
Whichever country you are/appear to be part of is NAI. The reason this is being revealed is because there are roles that need to know this for their abiltiies to work.

Nohrians Hoshidans
Firekitten htm
Livicus Margaret
Mthejoker Sam17z
Hippolytus Pug
Tw1light MaximusPrime
Vulgard PoisonedSquid
Simon orangeandblack5
Insanity Boss110
Shurian Blizer
Wolfy Ashe
Eevee Memesky
Sarun Captain
Cassar GamerPoke
ConfustoLook Psychonerik
Marcus_Doodalee CheesyKnives
Unknown Solic

but we could deduce who’s scum

especially the Nohrians

you called

i’m here to fuck things up lads

aka fail and do stuff

Fucking Nohrians



Oh lord no I’m a Nohrian Scum

Just know that I have no idea what the names are mean or anything about this I just joined cause it sounded cool.

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nohrians in hoshidans out