Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Yeah simon you are prob getting be ita’d.You are my first target btw

Simon, give us a reason why we shouldn’t ITA/Lynch you


Don’t lynch inactives. They need to be ITA’d.

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So I am stopping d1 meme’ing and coming with real info.So Ashe declined Unknown and married with Max right ? I think there is high chance Max is scum too with Ashe marrying him.

Why would they do that?/ They gain a lot more marrying a town person. Max is prob town.

The thing is I really don’t like playing with inactives as they make the game a lot less enjoyable tbh.

I’m not exactly sure why Ashe would decline a townie to marry another townie, so I also have the theory that either Unknown or Maximus is a member of the Mafia. Maximus being hesitant to accuse Ashe also pings on my radar.

I would ita Simon as soon as ita time starts.Maybe if they marry with each other they become more powerful ?

Unknown flipped town that was my reasoning on Max.

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The only reason why i can see Max being Maf, is that they both knew they could get a strong child that could help them out. Other than that, its a good point.

Unknown flipped town.

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Thing is, I don’t exactly trust Vul and Vul seems to be going after Maximus, even though he’s rightfully doing so for the above reasons, which is why I’m hesitant to vote him up.

If they get a strong child then yes I could see it.

@MaximusPrime since ashe died mind telling us your child?

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@Htm By any chance Unknown’s ability flipped different then you know? I remember maf had ability to change to flip.

I remember that Unknown told me to look for people who were hesitant to vote Ashe as they might be scum


/vote Maxi for pressure

No his class is exactly the same one he told me.

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That is in my eyes considered bastard tbh

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/vote Max I wouldn’t mind vote him.I think ashe married with him to get more strong child as i stated.I think that was reason reject.

It is possibly a bastard game anyway.But I remember it.They had somekind ability to stop flip or change it.

They said it was not bastard. @Icibalus is changing a flip considered bastard?

So basically both of them are mafia and they think they could get a stronger child is the theory

if it helps its mostly unintentional. although i would add intentional lurking avoids questions that might put blame on them and i try not to do that

not on myself, by watching the other interactions from a separate perspective. i think it can help me see some things others miss

because im not truly inactive and will answer questions,