Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

How do you know this

uh sure totally

Err, look at the flips.

I read their class card, they flipped

Pug was gonna check on Maxi before he got modkill

As a wife I shall continue he’s search

/vote Maximus

Oh they’re the one who died?

Shit I was gonna come back in like six hours to lead a huge discussion on why the nightkill target was the kill target but Wolfy is p solid and not likely to be guarded, plus married to eevee, so

Unknown died too.You know right ?

I don’t exactly get why Unknown was one of the targets. He leaned a bit odd to me and I don’t believe his player skill would have painted a target on his back, unlike Wolfy.

Wolfy’s wife is Eevee, I want a word from eevee to tell me if it’s true or not due to the fact that eevee did voted on me

So must likely it would be wolfy Occupied me

Yeah I knew that lol


he was literally lock confirmed town 110%

Of course he got gibbed

Read back his intentions at the end of d1 on voting Ashe. At first I backread him town, but when I read his posts more carefully I saw that the entire purpose for him to vote Ashe up was essentially to get the pressure off himself.

I honestly figure there was scum on Unknown’s wagon, let me re-check who was on it before the CFD

In short, his motivations were purely self-survival and it would be possible for him to be a neutral, a townie, or a Mafia who threw Ashe under the bus instead of him.

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I agree, Max should have been more focused on lynching scum than keeping their child alive.

/vote MaximusPrime

His motivations here were pretty damn obvious. Unless the Mafia misread him, then that could explain why they went for Unknown instead of someone else.

/vote Maxi boi

Did ITA phase 1 alrdy happen :thinking:

The vote that stands out to me as really weird is Margaret’s vote here

Considering when it was, it feels like it was too early to switch

@Margaret Could you explain? I’m not switching to you but that stands out to me now