Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Or is it just because you are simply so blind you can’t actually read the thread.

Honestly I have been trying in my last couple of games but if you can’t simply see that then why did you bother to comment on it? I mean tbh you seem to be blind when your reading this thread.

The problem is LAMIST post like this one doesn’t make you town. I’m not saying you’re scum, please relax little bit.

I’m simply annoyed right now.

well not basically, as I was like a VI in the first half of day 1 due to my flavor hook

Can you read marriage chat? Because, you did ping me super hard as scum when you were the only obstructing that CFD onto Ashe, so when Sarun asked for reads, I gave you as top scum indeed.

but now I am convinced after the Ashe flip that flavor has nothing to do with this

I actually can’t read marriage chat, just had a gut feeling as Shurian and I pass reads back and forth in our marriage chat

If we’re talking about alignment then yes you’re right 100%. :smirk:

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and I didn’t exactly obstruct, I didn’t ever see a CFD in the last 10 minutes of a day before so I wasn’t hopeful until the masses started pouring in

again, super r00d

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I could be totally wrong, I’m just confused on his motivations.
I think he could be town, he’s probably one of my most unsure scumreads tbh

Simon, have you gone through the thread at least once? I know you have that whole inactive thread thing but you did confirm to be in this and we’d like your reads

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The reason why you are inactive most because of your title “Reader” change it to like “Writer of something”

You are wrong. Go read the other games beside a jester game I have been trying in those games but you must be blind if you can’t see that.

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what about Grandish Idea?

that also doesn’t count its bastard

and if Max actually rage quit, it might be a good idea to consider just ITAing him later today

PKR :<

You’re a neut aren’t you? You have too much of a selfish goal to be considered town

Also if your just putting suspicion on me for actually trying then that’s just wrong tbh.