Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

You’ll see l8r

My ita is boosted %7

Hell no

Would be funny

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Mine isn’t so I may need backup

I’ll be your backup if you want?

Hopefully you will give reasons too.Or still going for simon

Remember Livi, he could have been the second confirmed town deathmarker trying to find Twi

Omg I see simon posting

@Memesky u 2

Care to consider letting me direct your shot today?

Sure why not.


You gonna be on at ITA 1?

Since it kinda seems like a call out to another person

Memesky’s ita boosted %5 too.And if what he says true he nearly has %50 ita chance

Captain, don’t worry.

Yes I will.

I am still sad that i boosted memesky.He will kill me with it

You boosted Meme? We told everyone to lower his ITA rate

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But as long as Meme does what we tell him to, I’ll dance him if he really has 50%

and Litten didn’t you want me to shoot you when Poke got on or something

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It comes with my child’s passive.It was not directly

You married Meme?