Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Telling us what your child did would be awesome and telling us your reads without them saying Sarun is scum cause he accused me.

What does your ability actually do?
Does it just feedback whether or not the person can kill or what their primary ability does etc?

Currently Maxi is scumlock for me over his affairs with Ashe and the OMGUS at the end.

I was doubtful of him being scum as Vulgard also accused him, reasoning below, but at this point I’m sure either Maximus or Vulgard is part of the scum team.

I’ve been having an odd gut feeling from Vul since the start of the game when they essentially made a very LAMIST-y early d1 ISO of Unknown, which was kind of an oddball as it’s obvious any analysis this early would be inconclusive. Additionally, their defense of Livicus just struck me as odd due to how Livicus behaved in the day’s start. Furthermore I’d like to see Vulgard actually following up with their analysis and scumhunt rather than just sit on it as it feels far too much that their readlist is an obvious example of them trying to look town. If Livicus flips scum, Vulgard is a good lynch.

I can find if someone can kill at night.

Wait so to test Vulgard you guys are lynching me first? Thought you guys were the ones who said chain stuff is bad

After d1 I started getting a better vibe from you and now I don’t see as that scummy anymore. However if Vulgard flips scum, I’ll be back at your tail.

Who do you think it’s a better idea to vote right now max or Marcus. My feeling marcus is actually Town because of his defence but I’m on the edge about it.

If that’s the case then I’m going to ask anyone to alignment check me in the next 2-3 nights or so

Obviously that’s quote is outdated from before people realised you were VI

I’m not VI anymore

I’m not 100% confident with a Livicus lynch, he has a few slightly scummy actions and may have tried to defend hippo. But that can also go as a townie just trying to save more day time.

Can someone tell me what OMGUS, LAMIST and IV mean?

Which is why I’m not on Livicus’ back anymore. Now it feels more that he was telling the truth and less that he was genuinely attempting to get people to massclaim.

But we always have 3 days we can have 34 votes on someone like orange said and we would have to wait

/Vote Max I have a odd feeling on Marcus right now but I’ll rather vote max

OMGUS = Oh My God You Suck
LAMIST = Lame +++++++
VI = Village Idiot

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Might’ve gotten the Lamist definition wrong

Look at me I’m so Town!


It’s more the fact that he asked for protective and his reasoning being his ability to recharge ITAs being useful for town is a believable defense. Note that I personally think it wasn’t worth a TPs time but I genuinely believe Town! Livi would and scum! Livi wouldn’t be this complicated

But I can Triple ITA give someone and that’s not even my child abilities

Yeah I’m convinced. He may be a good ita target but I wouldn’t and he isn’t a good lynch target imo anymore.

I want others to vote max with me. He has done nothing Town and if we pressure them maybe they will do something towny/scum