Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

I think the saying “The Enemy of my Enemy is my friend” strictly applies here as we should murder the suspected scum no matter which side they are on


but in reality, /unvote

/vote random player. legit vote

Hey ici, can I vote everyone since some1 probs has an ability that can only be used when voted

I just want Nohrian scum dead. Thats all i ask for in life.


/vote Margaret bcs trol player out

Ok thats scummy as sht

Giving people access to their abilities is trolly now?

Nope random voting is


:hearts: Love is in the air :hearts:

Marriage is a key mechanic in FIre Embelm Fates! Using it, players can match up their favourite characters with each other to get powerful children units and more unique characters!

Because of this, it’s time for a MARRIAGE SESSION!. For the rest of the day, you may /propose to any player of the opposite gender on the list below to propose to them, which will unlock unique benefits depending on the characters involved if the other /accepts the proposal.

All players must marry by the end of day. Anyone left over will be randomly assigned to another.
But remember… the war will begin tommorow. New forbidden love may find itself tragically vaniquished.

2. Margaret
3. Sam17z
4. Pug
5. MaximusPrime
6. Vulgard
7. Insanity
8. Shurian
9. Wolfy
10. Boss110
11. Memesky
12. Captain
13. Sarun
14. GamerPoke
15. Unknown
16. PokemonKidRyan
17. Luxy

2. Firekitten
3. Livicus
4. Hippolytus
5. Tw1light
6. PoisonedSquid
7. Simon
8. Eevee
9. Blizer
10. Ashe
11. Cassar
12. ConfustoLook
13. Marcus_Doodalee
14. Psychoneirik
15. CheesyKnives
16. Solic
17. orangeandblack5

Disclosure: Iciluxion Productions is not responsible for forcing M/F relationships. That is Nintendo’s fault. Don’t riot pls

also we aren’t seriously shipping you guys with each other that’d be dumb, just think of this as you shipping your characters together


It’s random voting session though


More Nohr than Hoshido?


Anyways hey guys let’s play!

Wait wut Ici. Tf im female

Why u troll me like dis

What i mean is this :
/vote random player

I think it is your avatar

/propose @orangeandblack5

Voted Voters Number of votes
Firekitten Vulgard 1
Vulgard Solic 1
Unknown Firekitten / GamerPoke 2
Margaret Captain 1

Mod Note:

Voting random people is not going to work or be allowed.