Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!


/Propose Boss

Why not

That proves that there is a class that has abilities based on votes

Told you marg it is not legit vote

Or this proves that it’s your class gender and not your actual gender.

@Icibalus is this universe open to other possibilities of marriage other than the traditional?

It’s literally right at the start of the real game lol

/propose @Kirefitten

You know what I’m tempted to do?

What’s ur name tho :wink:


We stand with the game


Actually screw it

So are we going to have a partnership?

@Icibalus Can we marry with someone has same gender ?

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Hmm, I hit my head, forgot my name

Happy Couples:


Pending Proposals:

Sam17z - Orangeandblack5, will you marry me?
Firekitten - Boss110, will you marry me?
GamerPoke, Firekitten, will you marry me?

/propose @Memesky

haha you thought I can’t do that

/propose @eevee

/propose to whoever is Hinoko

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/Accept Poke

Oh you meant irl lol

Yeah not quite

Hoshidans use Eastern-themed stuff, while Nohr is much more European