Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Yeah and marcus won.

Hey Celeste, I’m reading posts IN ORDER, not from botom ones :stuck_out_tongue:

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I am still sad that i lost at final 50/50

You think that was a soft? Boiiiiii

I’d love it if there was another event and that some kind soul could ping me during signups of said event considering I’m travelling with Wolf again

@Icibalus do you mind updating the OP with who ded please?

It was a hard count Marcus, 8 at max or it would be weird

Ashe, Pug, Unknown, and Wolfy are all dead.

I know, its just for the sake of people on trips and the like, also convenience.

Ashe was Mafia Hinoka, Pug was Town Corrin, Unknown was this Town Wolf Guy that got strong on odd days/nights, and Wolfy was Town Justice boi who was an edgelord and occupies people, death marks them, or just says hi


Pretty good summary, no?

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@PokemonKidRyan tbh out of joats I would want to get bonus ability more.

My spells are literal SHIT.


  1. Removing ita immunity and evasion
  2. Lowering someone’s ita hit chance by 5%
  3. Making someone’s vote count as 1 less
  4. This one does nothing

And of them work only for one, said day.

And I need to use all 4 (including empty shit one) before I can ise any of them again.

That is literaly most pointless abibilities I could have.

the 2nd one is not pointless if used on Memesky

At least high ita chance from kid was fun, especialy with removing immunity spell.

Now itcs back to shit

Oi eevee use spell 4 on me

You should just random negate @Kirefitten’s vote like in other games :joy:


FK no need his vote lol

Tbh I wish you rolled citizen so you wouldnt focus on how shit your abilities are and actually contribute

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Negate FKs vote, lower Meme’s ITA.
You’re totally better than me

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