Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

My gut’s telling me this is SvS PKR vs Eevee, but Im not sure where PKR lies on the mechanical confirmation scale.

Alright, Im going to head off to bed. I still don’t like how Eevee is continuing the charade well into d2 close to the ITA phase, so I want them to contribute, they are for all intents and purposes inactive on the basis that they aren’t given anything to be AI read

I agree. Eevee is just fluffing and bullshiting well into day 2. Im of a mind to change my vote to him.

/vote eevee

Honestly I don’t like this slot at all so far

Eevee said it’s me.
So you have 2 choices.
Allow him to shoot me, but expect I can and will shoot back and as I’m confirmed to you with my ability at least, I expect many townies would stand in my corner
Or stop him, by taking charge. As you’re the lock town

Still though, his partner was killed by maf (we assume) and eevee’s child had a strong ability that maf would want to keep. I really don’t know what eevee is doing.

He could be VI

His partner was Unknown, correct?

I wish you only waited :frowning:

Hell no. It’s my hero shoot.

inb4 Orange gets shot

and also flips scum

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No it was wolfy I believe.

I never said confusto was town I said poke was town.

Woosh! Your vote has been negated!

Oh okay I got the two confused mb

Hint: Votes for pressure before all ita sessions end are pointless.

But actually FK, do tell us why Poke is town because I don’t get it

He’s also lock town for Margaret which baffles me even more still

In general there’s a really weird dynamic there

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@Twil1ight Question, can you choose who you marked, and if yes, did you mark Shurian?

I did