Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

How he is again tho ?

So Mafia have another killer who can bypass or it was NK? Gotcha.

Nah my class does nothing say about it.

Slightly offended by this, considering I made a conscious effort to include my thoughts and not memes ._.

Mornin’ I guess. Can’t say what happened last night with the minimal feedback thingy
Just putting it out there that my ability works in ITAs so

(I’m going to continue reading from post 4134, see you l8r)

So then it doesn’t work for you. It works for 1 class in this game and if they say it…it activates an ability

The class that always appear in pair. (death marker)

Well well well, Ryoma. It seems the time has finally come to teach you Hoshidan cowards a lesson…

Don’t be surprised when they run away after a single taste of cold steel, friends.


Do they know it ? Mine class is useless kinda self-observer.

Yeah they know it.

Well then time for me to read posts again and ita someone else has come.

I’d suggest we stay with only policy ITAs for now to prevent TvT clusterfucks.

For scummy players in general we should just pressure or lynch them.

Remember, shots will be counted from 18:00 BST onwards.

:59 bad, :00 good.


I never used ita earlier btw.Do we use it here or in classcard ?


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15% chance of killing the target

Ya someone like me, what a Genius play

Mine is boosted btw

Also, FK, Orange, and Solic are lock-town.

Anyone attempting to ITA them will be instantly lynched/ITA’d back.

When did fire/solic become lock town?

Sorry but is he locked town?