Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

It’s 6800 post whatever I’ll find it (big #)


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I wouldn’t be opposed to boss either I was looking at his post and one of his recent post

Tbh the front part of it kinda looks like “I need to make this vote longer let me add words”

Ace , thanks

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/vote @Captain can has reads or analysis? Please do not refer to YOUR abilities in your defense


Wait why did he do that…

Exactly. Why would he?

This sounded like me

Even when we told him meme shouldn’t be allowed to have his ita raised he did it anyway.

He not only raised scums but he raised memes

Yes, he went agansit what we wanted. He made himself look like a VI, but he actually wanted one of his scum buddies to have an increased ITA rate.

It’s so random lul

Sarun isn’t even his husbando/waifu.

Like if you are going to random then give it to someone like Orange

Tbh I don’t think of Captain as a idiot I would expect better of him then to do that.

/vote Captain

That is so suspicious…

@Captain explain self?

It doesnt even matter. That was captains own ability, not his childs. If you believe he is scum, it actually isnt a bad thing to do. Problem is, Sarun flipped scum, and this is something that definitely stands out to me. He had no reason to increase Sarun`s ITA rate.

It kinda feels planned tbh…

It’s like Sarun knew Orange was gonna ITA him so he ITA’d him with an increased chance ITA

Thats why he played it off as him looking like a VI for doing so, because he “accidently increased” Meme`s ITA, but he was really looking to increased Saruns, but because he gives it to multiple people, depending on their position on the player list, he could play it off like that.

I mean he was first shooter he must expect that.

I actually think this could flip scum.


Also that’s anti town to rando ITA chance give like that. You could give it to a scum

In someways it was. Sarun is really smart, and he probably thought around a couple hours before the ITA session began, that Orange was targeting him. So he quickly wrote up his scum claim, and his ITA vote in advance.