Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

but the important thing is Meme hasn’t done anything to feel town

Whew 1800 posts later though, that was an hour and a half of reading. Fucking hell. My reads for today coming soon.

Still wasting our shots on him is a bad use of our resources I would rather shoot scum then meme.

When has he ever?

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that’s my point

If hippo is telling the truth then he is a town power role. He can kill and protect. If we shoot hippo and he flips town then I think we lose.

Is Hippo a Nohrian scum? We can have Confusto check him

Edit: Swap Hippo and Is

We could just stick with Occing hippo till they come back

We can do that

Hippo is Nohrian


I can occupy Hip and Confusto can check.


If you want I can shoot him next ITA phase.

My ita has a better chance at killing Nohr

HTM (Townlean) – Sheeps on to votes sometimes, however his motivations seem to be townaligned. Working with Firekitten a lot so possible scum team but highly unlikely.
Firekitten (Townlean) – Is actively scumhunting and pressuring Marcus who does not seem to be town. His actions with the new player were a little iffy and trying to out Corrin was suspicious, but his explanation satisfied me.
Livicus (Slight Townlean) – Sarun had as scumlean, seems to be scumhunting. He also tried to get me to remove my vote from Hippo because we could just ITA him. Maybe trying to reduce pressure on hippo or just townie not wanting to end the day early. Idk.
MtheJoker (Slight Scumlean) – Inactive and defended Ashe who flipped Scum (‘I see Ashe is being voted, why?’) Could just be his inactivity however, and reluctance to jump on a bandwagon which could suggest Town. Possible ITA target. Seems to have very high ITA dodge.
Margaret (Null) – Lots of shitposting, could be evil trying to slow the town down.
Hippolytus (Heavy Scumlean) – All posts have been fluff and added nothing to the conversation. My N1 check on him also revealed that he could kill at night, or at least more effectively. I believe he is the mafia killer.
Tw1light (Slight Scumlean) – Defended by Sarun who flipped scum. Seems town motivated kinda?
Sam17z (Townlean) – Reacted like a townie after orange’s bait. Inactive first day but that could be for a number of reasons. Possible Mafia since orange claimed NK but mafia would want NK’s extra night kills.
MaximusPrime (Townlean) – A little bit inactive. Main reason for scum lean is Ashe’s apparent want to marry him. He also defended Ashe. Defense seems reasonable as his ability sucks. I can see why he would want to save his child. Concensus is that mafia would want to marry town so helps Max’s case. Wants to ITA Vulgard however?
PoisonedSquid (Scumlean) – Flying under the radar and hasn’t added anything to the chat. Should be ITA’d
Vulgard (Townlean) – Reads seem typical of a town and has given out his/her scumreads. Has posted reads however, has not acted upon them. Believes me and is actively scumhunting and pushed on Sarun a little.
Simon (Scumlean) – Inactive and didn’t answer my marriage proposal. Should be ITA’d because he is a detriment even if town. Less inactive D2. Posts don’t seem to add much.
Insanity (Null) – Has made some reads, decent reasoning. Don’t know what to think yet.
Shurian (Slight Scumlean) – Defending Livicus who seems scummy. Could be a Livicus + Shurian Scumteam. Random protected someone who we wanted to ITA??
Boss (Null) – I don’t know.
Blizer (Slight Townlean) – Pushing on Marcus who is obviously not town. However, concensus is that Marcus is neutral so mafia could push on him too. Analysis is better now.
Memesky (Townlean) – Actively trying to get ITA’d to test hippo’s claim. Seems town motivated but could be trying to confirm his scumbuddy.
Captain (Scumlean) – Inactive, adds nothing to the conversation when he does post and hasn’t given any good analysis. Sarun tried to distance from him.
ConfusedtoLook (Townlean) – Seems very active and actively scumhunting. Pushed on Sarun and is very town motivated.
Gamerpoke (Null) – Firekitten is adamant this guy is good.
Marcus_Doodalee (Slight Scumlean/Neutral) - Lack of analysis, voting, and participation in general which is not like him at all. Replies and actions portray a neutral viewpoint and has stated he would ITA someone who he thought was 100% town. Doesn’t seem to care about town goals too much. Possible NK.
Psychoneirik (Null) – I don’t know enough about him.
CheesyKnives (Slight Townlean) – Seems good in marriage chat. Didn’t take up to opportunity to claim mafia when I claimed Neutral to him. Used our child to protect me when I claimed town. Also claimed his abilities to me. I asked him for his reads in marriage chat and he said ‘nah youre good.’ Also hasn’t really helped in chat.
PKR (Slight Townlean) – Seems town, especially as eevee lied about abilities.
Solic (Slight Townlean) – Married by Sarun and Sarun said he is good. Makes good reads however and seems town-motivated.
Luxy - Me

Here are my shitty reads ~

If your shooting meme to prove hippo you are using ITA wrong

Nope I will be shooting Hippo if you want

By the way I’m not as sure as I was on Cheesy because I asked him for his scumreads in marriage chat for me to check and he said ‘nah youre good’

Just telling you guys my first check in a Nohrian is still alive so ya

I wanted to check on MtheJoker

To compare

For this night

Should I shoot Hippo next ITA phase?

I cannot tell you who tho

But to me hold on Hippo

And vote someone else or something