Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Thoughts on Boss’ response?

@GamerPoke I would like your redirect to be on Litten at the start of ITA regardless of if I am on or not please

Boss, can you give us a full reads list?

Wheres Boss’s response?


i mean

i totally haven’t claimed or said more or anything

get with the times

Captain is almost guaranteed scum. For these reasons:

/vote Captain

I already am going to protect them if someone ITAs them

Have you claimed :thinking:

Cassar is already dead and confusto claim is legit, both use to be on my scum list

There you go htm.

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I feel sad

No more roleplay for me

literally don’t even start

i isoed you first and you are either bad scum, or VI. I suspect VI simply of because how trashy and useless each and every post is like you. You contribute less than me, although you have less of a reputation and are less salty

Maximus claimed an almost villager ability. His class is almost useless.

@Boss110 why do you think Marcus is scum?

Is that salty salt max i see? Insult people don’t help you just saying

I say we put Captain on trial here.


There are no trials whoever has the most votes at the end of the day gets lynched.

That’s what I meant.

I just asked you for your class and you go say a million things LUL. I am not trying to ISO you.