Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

I noticed an error here…

Travelling atm but be back soon. But this list needs to be fixed :neutral_face:


Okay, let’s back to serious stuff!

ITA Phase is starting at Day 2.

Wolfy isn’t an option?

Wolfy you missed the entire point lmao

It’s flavor

Mod Note:

The genders on the list are of the character’s flavor
also rng is a cruel and fickle misteress.


Yes well, if every single girl having cute eyes doesn’t separate fiction from reality for you then you probably need to pay more attention to IRL

Wait fuq he was right


We’re not accounting for Niles or Soleil, right?

They were both right lmao

ohhhh right I forgot dama /outed oops

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What’s that about no mod errors?

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so one of us will stay single forever D:

Soleil? Don’t you mean that one child character that you try to make become not gay anymore

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Not unless they marry themselves…

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Yeah gg Nintendo that went over well

Go and reread the list. It’s been fixed.

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ah this game being Nintendo explains why I never heard of it

I think it’s technically developed by Intelligent Systems but it’s published by Nintendo