Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Oh yeah that’s correct mb

@Boss110 shoot an inactive
@GamerPoke @MtheJoker @Sam17z shoot Boss

Poke shot at Joker and missed

Has @CheesyKnives shot?

No but he hasn’t been very active in general

Tell me about it, he’s my spouse.

How do ITA works in Fire Emblem Fate tho.

We shoot a magic missle out of no where or we shoot with a big freaking gun from modern society?

…You attack them with a sword or axe or bow or lance obviously


Of course we’re using guns, brother!

there is no ITA in FE, but regular hits have crit chance + hit chance

Boss, if you’re town, tell us who you want to shoot. You’re gonna be our lynch today if you don’t pull yourself out of the muck

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or tomes or daggers

False! I call that bullshit.

Or with a nuke

Hit chance is influenced by skill and terrain
Dodge influenced by Speed and Avoid
Crit chance influenced by skill and certain weapons

This is not advamce wars

But if anyone who hasn’t shot decides to shoot, shoot Boss

And I derailed the conversation entirely.

Maybe its just me but I think battlefield is the same from last time.

I already shoot captain