Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!


Who dares say the Genealogy Heroes in Fates HUH?

/confirm pre-in

5 pre-ins still need to confirm and there are 11 slots still avaliable.

/Confirm Pre-in

I’ll try to be on as much as I can, but I am on vacation so :man_shrugging:

/confirm pre-in i shall finally be active on a fm

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Im back in australia tomorrow. So lets go


@NuclearBurrito you should join

No I shouldn’t

Whyever not, may I ask?

Cuz I don’t feel like it

Who haven’t we asked yet who would join?

@CloverPlayer and @ConfustoLook want to join? This looks cool

(plz don’t ITA me if you join cuz I pinged you)

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What’s this? Am I in the same game?

No this is a new game that you can join

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This looks fun, I am bad between knowing switch room Im in but I’ll try


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This is a really big room that means there will be a lot of afk which won’t be fun.

I have experienced this “afk, busy people” far too long past 2 games played

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/unjoin sorry htm, no active no fun

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No Game No Life

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