Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
MtheJoker Vulgard, GamerPoke, Memesky, ConfustoLook, Twi1light 5
Boss110 htm, Luxy, Firekitten, Livicus, Marcus 5
Vulgard Margaret 1

Margaret pls

Both of em get lynched ez, plurality lynch


pretty sure it RNGs but that’s none of my business

Why are you both so adamant about not showing this?

You and your husband are withholding infomation to the town. Should we sus you for that?

What the point about? I’m good with either lynches. /shrug

/vote Boss110

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What information? Care to elaborate?


/vote Boss

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The flavor solve that isn’t quite a flavour solve.

I totally forgot there was another ITA session.

I freaking called it that PKR’s JOAT claim was way too powerful to be town and he did not have any townie responses at all. I think he also made a readlist that can be analyzed.

/vote Mthejoker

Boss can be ITA’ed tomorrow. M is giving me NK vibes.

The spreadsheet?

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@Solic who do you think are scum and why.

Here you go Solic

Also I take offense that I was not on Blizer’s do not shoot list. I led the CFD unto Ashe together with Firekitten and I shot mafia Cassar too. I was also married to Sarun, who flipped mafia and lots of you think that that somehow makes me town too.

Because it don’t see a point, why we should that. Spreadsheet contains general information based on what was said, flips.

It serves to keep track on every player and look back on it. It doesn’t contain “reads”. I already what do you need to know but you kept silent.

Don’t even try to threaten me, boi.

Don’t worry, u will never be in my town blocc

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You see this is why I suspect Blizer

His do not shoot list has some weird inclusions on it, he apparently trusted PKR 100% without any reservations, and him shooting Sarun was just a followup on his hard scum claim - scum would’ve definitely done that for towncred

Also Blizer was my early scumlean and so far many of my original scumreads have been flipping scum

“You think he bussed two mafia?”

Maybe u are a scum doing a passive bussing style so you can say “I told you so” later

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tsk tsk tsk