Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Claiming that I scumslipped huh?

Hate to tell you bud, but actually, I’m town

LAMIST. Errrrrr…

Y’know, town-aligned players don’t need to tell people they’re town, especially d1.


But I’m Town


/vote pkr?

I’m apparently a Nohrian though, so it’s ok

But also Eevee should choose them

Nohrian scum

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Errrrrrrr. Why you voting me when you’ve been fangirling over me this whole time?

It’s meme phase if you think about it :thinking:

Many people are weird like, especially people like Fire and Meme who we are unable to tell because they often shitpost too much to get an accurate read.


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That’s it

/unvote /vote Orangeandblack5 for sheeping on the LAMIST train

because I like your flavor but dislike your alignment

What? I haven’t actually been doing that lately I think you need to look at other people.

Did you just misuse two words or

My alignment? What? You’re losing me, doc.

I mean, I didn’t push Wolfy about what he said at all.


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and for changing your pfp a million times reee

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Neither did I

but looking at clues, PKR could likely be actual Laslow

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