Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

You’ve been getting somewhat better. You still shitpost occassionally so it’s still often too hard to determine what you could be

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Okay but sheeping what exactly

dude that’s why I want eevee to choose them

I mean I only do it when other people do it. Blame them not me.

Sheeping the meme train essentially, be creatve

I see, but Wolfy, also being a Nohrian Male, could also be Laslow technically

Your vote still makes no sense


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I’m just putting out clues man

I’m not sheeping and I fail to see how it’s a “LAMIST train” if there’s no train

The nation + gender thing gave so much hints away


It’s just flavor tho


but knowledge is power

so who’s marrying who again?

and based on character flavor, we can guess alignments, abilities, and more

True but my abilities don’t line up with my flavor role like at all

you actually can’t

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Someone says “saying X is LAMIST”

Then someone else says X
Finally you say X

How is that not copying the gag?

Might be the case, but so many times that players and hosts have to remind people, do not rely on the flavor of the gae

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oh, I thought they all would