Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Am I your daughter?
Seen any cute girls?

Lol my waifu is very cute in other ways

Her purple hair reminds me of Neptunia kek

you mean Twilight?

Oh god.
Steps away.
No no no no

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This isnt even the worse thing that has happend in this FM today.

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Orange`s video was something that needed to be bleached.

Didnt watch it. Thank god.

I chose not to open

Good. Dont.

I Regret going down that rabbit hole.

Well what’s up with you?

good thing i didn’t see that :thinking:

Is it bad that it wasnt that bad to me

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Well, im happily wed right now and im still suffering the aftermath from seeing that video. There are no words to describe.

Kinda tbh, It was fucking weird and i was horrified from it. And i have seen worse.

anyone seeming susp to you? on day 1?

Yes, I’ve catalogged two people as 80% chance scum. Won’t say who yet.

then you should put it in your logs

also is it bad if I request a tp on me