Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Sobs in miseru.

Also I just looked at boss’ pfp and realized I married to a 70 year old rip


He’s 50

Its called an arranged Marriage psycho.

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Oh and I’m not a tp so fuck me
Pls send help we need protectives
Unless thy scum has sorcerer circle like skills than no god damn it

Also before we lynch Litten I think we deserve a defense/claim from him

rude, you don’t even know my class!

1.We aren’t lynching me
2.You aren’t getting my claim.

Gunter, right?

I’m not trying to lynch you

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gunter is not hoshido too

Oh I should look at my own spreadsheet again, can someone link me it

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I also await the Selena+Subaki pair

Caeldori best dream :3

What is the Selena and subaki pair?

I dunno. It’s just that Caeldori is sooo good when paired with them both :3

is it not you?

Whaddya mean? Its definitely not them
I mean pfft

Voted Voters Number of votes
Firekitten Shurian, Margaret, Psychoneirik, 3
Margaret Captain 1
Captain Unknown 1
Blizer Hippolytus 1
HTM GamerPoke, 1
Vulgard Sarun, MaximusPrime, Solic 3
Unknown Wolfy, PokemonKidRyab 2
Pug Vulgard 1
Orangeandblack5 Marcus 1
Ashe Orangeandblack5 1
Confusto Eevee 1
Boss110 Firekitten 1
1 Like

Happy Couples:

Firekitten and Gamerpoke
PoisonedSquid and Captain
Sam17z and Orangeandblack5
Mthejoker and Marcus_Doodalee
Margaret and Twil1ight
PKR and Blizer
Eevee and Wolfy
MaximusPrime and Ashe
Hippolytus and Memesky
Shurian and Livicus
Solic and Sarun
Boss110 and Psychoneirik

Pending Proposals:

Insanity - Cassar, will you marry me?