Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

I should belong with my husband :heartbeat:

just revote then :thinking:

We are already both voting the same person (Vulgard), but we are in separate rows.

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Why is Firekitten being voted?

I dunno. What do you think of it?

/consume class if not already ITA’d


wut has happened?

i don’t know how to describe this, you should read it i guess?

Just read and you can marry people? What happens if you marry them?

all-time chat, extra ability

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You get a 24/7 chat with your spouse and you may get children if you’re lucky


aka extra ability

/propose @Htm

Hmmm interesting.

I mean tbh I kinda need an extra ability since I am so weak so.

/accept Unknown

Happy Couples:

Firekitten and Gamerpoke
PoisonedSquid and Captain
Sam17z and Orangeandblack5
Mthejoker and Marcus_Doodalee
Margaret and Twil1ight
PKR and Blizer
Eevee and Wolfy
MaximusPrime and Ashe
Hippolytus and Memesky
Shurian and Livicus
Solic and Sarun
Boss110 and Psychoneirik
htm and Unknown

Pending Proposals:

Insanity - Cassar, will you marry me?

/vote Margaret
Nothing valuable but a promise to give reads that are supposed to be very good.
If you have a strong read, why don’t you tell it?

Voted Voters Number of votes
Firekitten Shurian, Margaret, Psychoneirik, 3
Margaret Captain, Unknown 2
Blizer Hippolytus 1
HTM GamerPoke 1
Vulgard Sarun, MaximusPrime, Solic 3
Unknown Wolfy, PokemonKidRyab 2
Pug Vulgard 1
Orangeandblack5 Marcus 1
Ashe Orangeandblack5 1
Confusto Eevee 1
Boss110 Firekitten 1

There are 5 couples left ya know :smiley:

I mean I always crack as town

It’s weird tbf

Most of the time I don’t crack as scum because I try to avoid defending myself or really talking so I don’t slip

An event is coming in 1 hour and 20 mins. Be there or be square.


I just realized that scum would probably not marry another scum due to the chat being useless. Tho they may marry each other to confuse us or to get an ability