Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

This is rigged.

Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed, Luck, Defense,Movement and Resilience

This is correct. Memesky is outed from getting any more prizes this event.

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It’s not rigged, it’s Resistance and not Resilliance.

I’m back

I copied 10 skills and randomly deleted 2


More questions fast!

Its on a random timer Luxy

From now on i will call Nohrians No

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Call us yesrians

Hoshidans are non’nts

Shut up no

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N O S C U M hehexd

i swear im good

thats what scum say

no they dont

You cant confuse me with your evil wiles, scum!
I see through your tricks!