Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Yes we do. The mods stated flavor has nothing to do with who is scum. and the flavor faction is stated in the OP. (Hint they are called mafia)

Also I read through most of the votes on the train you started on me, I don’t think you or Litten are scum, but some of the other votes without reasoning came a bit suspiciously

This logic is shite imo, Flavor does not matter at all, its based on if your mafia or town, doesnt matter what flavor you are.


they said there are measures against flavor

We do know its mafia, ici stated multiple times that this is fates MAFIA.



I trust Livi here.

Honestly if you still think the faction isn’t called exactly mafia just read the OP. please

I’m still wondering if you made a slip and you didn’t realize it or you did it on purpose then tried to sound dumb so it looks like it wasn’t on purpose.
Your smarter then this.

/unvote Day 2

okay, my bad then, but it’s not confirmed it doesn’t revolve around flavor, it says exact text as can’t be broken by flavor

It is confirmed unless ICI is lying to us.
Flavor has nothing to do with alignments

I’m just also being too much of a hyped fanboy right now

I think your reading too much into the flavor in general. Take a step back a little bit, and dont focus on one thing here.

What FE game do I need to start with

Oh boy, there is many.


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okay, very well, I guess I should go baxk and try to analyze, except that being Day 1, well over 90% of votes are memes

Sacred Stones is good, also Awakening or Blazing Blade

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Fair enough.

Agreed, good games, loved awakening IMO

and the remaining 8% are sheep