Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!


but even if Shurian is a maf, they might leave me alive because if I die, he can’t use the abilities from both of our kids

Everything I say represents me

You are a Nohrian Female, I guess that’s enough to go off of

You guesses wrong budy i am none of these

Yes of course!

I used the chart to find that

That won’t do much good probably as why would mafia do that when they could have coordinated their marriages in scum chat?

Yeahhhhh, thats bullshit on the highest degree.

Maf would marry non-maf if they can to spread their influence

it’s like communism

I’m thinking of a impulsive mafia would do it.

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But we would have to look at the proposals more than the accepts

the Eevee harem was a bit interesting on this situation


Yeah true it’s kinda pointless to marry a mafia as mafia unless they can somehow benefit out of it

Yeah there’s at least one scum in there regardless if eevee is scum or not

Like there is prob more info hidden in the marriage and we weren’t looking into that.

Livicus is making a very good point

But there’s supposedly something big on D2 concerning marriages

Bcs my child gives me higher ita rate or my child can give my wife too.

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Wonder if scum can sabotage events :thinking:

What the Fuck.