Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

I disagree with this strongly

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Because the scum!Livicus (META GAMING) wouldn’t ask for town tp without reason.

With the ITA stuff, it would be wiser to manipulate my loved one than to let her be a scum to give to another scum another ITA.

Explain this one, i dont get it

I’m mainly going to say this for mcs and shit like that.

Just im saying if someone’s class flavortext feels powerful.

If it was like some shit like Marth

terrible example but I only know my smash

Well like someone who would just have powerful abils.

You know what.

Should i just say im important and I’d like some form of protection.

Flavour text does not mean alignment.
BUT it does show their abilities.

Firekitten apparently wants to do something to Corrin btw.

Like, good or bad?

I dunno. But fk wants Corrin

Whose Corrin?

I want to know exactly what he’s planning

Just so our Corrin doesnt mistakingly out

Main character

Main protag/Avatar of Fire Emblem Fates

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I know because of smash bros.

Am I bad?

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I also have pics of her you want?

Btw in prologue.

It said “he” for corrin.

Just going to say

Yes. Im dumb for outing the gender but :man_shrugging: im p sure everyone wouldve picked it up

@Kirefitten You are to tell exactly what you want from this “Corrin” person.

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