Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

You noticed that it doesn’t even say measure, but measures?

Should you test it by burning it down?

Scum dayvig on claimers perhaps?

No idea, but certainly something we want to avoid as town.

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Doubt that. Possibly a 10% increase on dayvig success if the user can correctly guess the user’s flavor name. I highly doubt that though since they already made flavor names NAI of abilities.

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Plus, a massclaim is practically telling mafia “Shoot all powerful town please!”

Heres a pitch. The fact that Unknown is arguing over this likely means that he is the only person with an ability somewhat accurate to his class which makes him highly plausible to be a main character, namely Corrin.

(Or is Fates Robin. Can’t remember)

The fact that there is no rebutal from Unknown means that I’m possibly correct. Let us all sigh in sadness that a main character fell into Unknown’s hands.

Also, Ici speak m’lord for your words are gracious enough to sweep through any heart m’lord.

Did you look at the contributions from Ashe?
Does anything on them look like town?
Does anything on them look like helpful?

Voted Voters Number of votes
Firekitten Shurian,Orangeandblack5, htm, Tw1light, Sarun 5
Blizer Hippolytus 1
Vulgard MaximusPrime, Memesky, Boss110 3
Unknown Wolfy, PokemonKidRyan 2
ConfustoLook Eevee 1
Livicus Psychonerik 1
Shurian Vulgard 1
Memesky Captain 1
Ashe Firekitten, Livicus, GamerPoke, Blizer, ConfustoLook, Unknown 6
Simon Margaret, Solic, Luxy 3
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Have you read the summaries?
Why aren’t you giving a rebutal to my statement?
Have you thought to ISO legitimately anyone else?
Have you thought that you aren’t acting like normal Unknown?

Nohr is best nation.

I wish I was Nohrian by birth.

Time to annoy Ryoma.

I only ISO people when I see something that warrants further investigations, or when they are close to lynch.

Yeah, that just causes those moments when you realize that someone is extremely town by ISOinf their posts but a neutral/town quick hammers and makes you regret your decision.



sorry but I really need to utilise my abils

Gimme reason :slight_smile:


Getting me to out my abilities or someone will occupy me because I’M PUG

@Memesky is your occupation a 80% chance?

Just wondering.