Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!


@Kirefitten im not voting you. Im voting Unknown because I feel he’s genuinely scum

Its just anti town to get a powerhouse card to out.



I didnt want to vote you FK because I feel you’re doing your usual shit

See I don’t know why Town would reject something like that.

Town have like 0 reason to and mafia have reasons. (Except child’s but whatever) I wanted to see why she declined it.

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I already have a list of who corrin could potentially be and I’m going to find corrin and he shall be perfectly fine afterwards. I won’t say who he is if I find him.

Don’t make a big deal out of nothing

Either way.

Max has a townread from me

Oh really? :eyes:

Are you saying that Mafia would look for perfect candidate even though it’s closed setup and flavor name doesn’t saying exacly what ability their child would have?

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Mafia have reasons to decline some suggestions so they could try to warp someone else’s mind.

Ashe could potentially thought they couldn’t change unknowns mind but they can to max.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Unknown was a scumbuddy

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It’s not a child’s ability.

It’s poke Ability. Get it right.

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I know Confusto’s abils.

But im not outing them.

I told them to out this because of Liv’s 0% ITA chance

How the fuck you know Ashe wouldn’t “change” his mind? Game literally started yesteday.

Because Ashe and Unknown are scumbuddies. Get it right :wink:

okay would you rather to try to change unknowns mind or max.

I would go for max since it seems easier.

Id go for Meme tbh.
He’d seem extremely easy to manipulate if I wasnt me

Pug trying to manipulate Meme.
Not going to work because we hate eachother.

Anyone else who can lead.

@Htm are you seriously voting me because I’m trying to help someone?