Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

But imma iso pkr for real.

@Vulgard reminder 12am on my phone kthxbye

Okay everyone.

Rip I cant iso because my phone is a dick

First when I saw Ashe’s Wagon I said this.

This answers I got:

In other words this wagon was made in order to find someone for lynch and not because they were actually super scumy.

Of course I wanted know the reasons behind it and until then I decided to vote FK. I didn’t got Town vibes from last FK posts and I wasn’t the only one who thought that.

Then Unknown jump into this wagon with same reason. They only comment he left that was about explanation of her wagon was “I disagree” and he never stated reasons and he continues his hard push on Ashe.

Theorically if FK will flip scum, there is strong possibility that Unknown is his buddy as well.

You can disagree with me or not but this literally what happened there. You can see by yourself if you want.

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I feel Ashe and Unknown are a scumteam.

Not Kitten and unknown

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If that is true unknown was impulsive tried to marry mafia Ashe knew better of this and married max a town.

I wouldn’t doubt this tbh

Okay, I really like this explanation from Twi to be honest


And with a side of PKR.

While yes. The irl shit has happened and I sorta feel like he doesnt have much motivation. (Also the captain whiteknight)

Like Wolfy is also there and has town motivation (according to vul. Not me).

But so not too much of an excuse

Hmm, I need to ISO PKR to have better view on his wagon and accusation so I need some time.

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I cant say on the matter with people who I havent read.

But that’s PKR extra info

Same but my phone acts like it has terminal cancer

Im just basing my PKR read on the shit ive seen.

Also. The “Important class cant out” is absolute bullshit.

/Vote Pkr

@Captain if I remember correctly you were against this why?

(PKR is still the first vote on Unknown, no?)

Fuck I edited post. :woman_facepalming:


Did u just seriously edit for “and”

Yes cuz I’m dumb.



My wife thinks of you scum Hoshidians and lovely Nohrians, be grateful.