Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Yeah that is what i thought too but did he tried vote him up or not ? Not completely remembering it

Ive had my suspicion on Unknown since the Htm incident. His reasoning for the Ashe vote was poor and he threatened Marg after her shit post. But, im also sus on Ashe aswell for her awful reasoning and her lurking.


As far is I know I didn’t see that comes which would lead to Ashe just being inactive. :confused:

Oh, by the way you said earlier that you hate Livi and Shurian. What’s your stance on them now?

It can also be that you are looking way too much into declining marriage proposals. It hinges on the fact that an impulsive mafia didn’t think it through and it was not discussed previously in their scumchat (they have a day chat right?) and not only that, but that that impulsive mafia somehow thought it was a good idea to link themselves up with each other, instead of distancing themselves. But any scumhunting is scumhunting so keep at it, I suppose.

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So anyway Unknown tried to make Htm sus too tried to push him too far but he didn’t push Ashe too much.They talked this in mafia chat and Unknown stopped this push ?

Why the hell is the reasoning poor?
We have little on Ashe, and multiple people have voiced the exact same concern about Ashe.
Ashe has not alot of posts and most of them are garbage.

Ive already explained that i saw Liv as VI and when Shurian explained his actions, i got town vibes from it. Liv is rn one of my top townleans, i just think he focused too much on flavors. I do still have a null stance on Shurian, but leaning town.

You noticed that htm himself stated that it was a misunderstanding, right?

Which is still questionable. There is one thing for sure and this is half people jump to her wagon without a word.

Tbh if livicus was mafia they did a great job playing the act stupid and maybe they will think I’m too uninformed to be Mafia game.

I really actually think that they are Town because I don’t think they would do that as mafia.


I mean yes but you pushed Htm too much over Ashe.That is what i am saying

Yes, and the last surge was after PKR came into the spotlight.

I do not understand what you are even trying to say.

The same could be said for you tbh. I disliked how you handled Margs posts, because you could clearly see that she was shit posting. In general your behaviour has been weird and Inactivity is NAI in my books, and while Ashes reasoning is utter shite, you have also given poor responses aswell.

Might you don’t like her very much but I wouldn’t say she was shitposting when she was talking with Unknown.

She was initially, and then she questioned him heavily afterwards. In general his responses were absolute shit.

I want to propose a CFD. I don’t have a direct quote but I have a niggling feeling.
Ashe has been weird, yet, she’s not too experienced with FM or anything so yet I do not know how AI her words are.
Unknown hasn’t helped at all. At least we can squeeze a bit more out of Ashe before we vote her

My responses on what? The garbage rolefishing?

Rolefishing? Boi, it’s a closed setup. There is literally no way to find out what type of ability has specific character.