Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Meh. I see only one thing: Things went for ashe, then for PKR, and then for me…
but really, ashe didn’t even defend themselves at all.
They have gone hiding…
and you reward them by lynching active town, what you should not do.
You should lynch INactive people who look like scum.
Like ashe.

Why teach them what town does when they can slip and do what scum does?

Because htm they are new. Whether you like it or not new people do what scum do as well even as Town.

You calling me scum off that is bad and you should feel bad.

Saying they are town and teaching them just says scum trying to gain trust of a new player. It just feels like your trying to take their trust rn.

Why teach them if you’re town?

You aren’t really doing a good job of defending yourself tbf.


Why does it BENEFIT town at ALL for them to be teached ingame like this?

It benefits Town if they can scumread and catch scum. Teaching them to scumread helps catch scum.

as opposed to AFTER the game.

Except that if you put it to all noticably then everyone will be aware of it. No. This explanation is bad.

What? I didn’t understand this post at all.

What if they are scum?

You do say they acted townie… but what if they are scum :thinking:

If you teach someone openly what scum normally does then
will try to avoid it.
Scum included.
Result: You LOSE information and scumreads.

I didn’t say to everyone what scum does I said to them.

But what if they are scum?

But everyone can read it.

You have access to our marriage chat?

No you don’t.


(nah jk)

Htm I think you should take a step back and instead of looking at if it helps Town look at it if I would do it.

Its such a bad excuse since if someone can’t scumread they can’t be much help to town so this will help Town. They are doing great imo.

But it never benefits town if they are scum

Yes it does. since I’m teaching them to scumread I expect them to make reads. If they give bad reasons to the reads then they could be scum.

We see more interaction if they are new and know how to scumread which can help catch mafia and link mafia to them.

Plus new people usually act scummy.

Overall helps town