Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

I just don’t like how you’re sheeping Confused and Poke, tbh. Since I read you as Town that’s fine, but this could have gone horribly wrong if you were Mafia.

We might have 2 nightkills. We don’t the cause of death.

I mean possible it’s nk and mafia

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It’s a 34-player game, so it’s not far-fetched to believe Mafia may have more than one night kill. Still it’d be beneficial to know if we’re dealing with a larger Mafia or a Mafia+NK setup.

Mafia have some numbers. But considering that it’s seems a lots of people have something do to with ITA’s so I doubt mafia can kill more than 1 person each night.

I can only guess but I bet it’s more than 4/5 Mafia Members.

I’m mad at pug. I’m glad I voted ashe at the last minute.

Okay right now these are the people who we shouldn’t shoot imo as they are town in my eyes. Only the people i’m PRETTY sure are town are on here.

Sarun-Has been helping…(i’m lazy okay he seems town imo deal with this)
Livicus-I don’t think scum would continue to behave like this. I think this is a town who made a mistake.
Blizer-Really wanted ashe lynched yesterday so i’m going to put them up here now. They also seem town from the way they commented on the things.
Poke-Seems towny in my marriage chat. Don’t worry about them :slight_smile:
Max-As ashe married him I highly doubt that they are mafia together. Mafia gain nothing from marrying each other except a child
Vulgard-I believe this is town because they have been acting good plus they seem townie.

They are town we are not ITAING them. We have a plan to get him to 100% ITA soon.

I noticed this so i been basically trying to help them telling them what mafia would do and see if they can find them. I’m going to try to stop them with the sheeping. I told them to go with his gut on the night action. Still saying i was sheeping blizer is wrong because I’m pretty sure ashe wouldn’t of been hung if i didn’t vote them at the last 10 mins.

The plan is for livicus to shoot me during the second ITA phrase. not the first one. Then poke will redirect the 0% ITA to him. Boosting his ITA by 10%

Since it’s a 34-player game, I’d basically assume that there are 6-9 Mafia members, since Ashe was lynched and flipped Mafia then I’d assume that there are only 5-8 now.

I saw Corrin died

I was terrified

I read the card and imagined Pug having it

I’m okay now

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I’m not i’m super mad.

The following are either lock town or stupidly risky scum due to D1:

D1 Looks good for:

D1 looks bad for:

Still not a fan of the D1 from:

Also of note is that Blizer’s D1 was decently strong up until he was the pivotal vote (or rather unvote) in shifting pressure off of Ashe. Not always scum, but no longer in the “looks good” category.

That’s my night-time write-up

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We got very luck with Ashe. She would been shoot at ITA phase anyway and it’s seems I need to investigate both Unknown’s and Ashe’s wagon.

Also can I ask what the deal with Collin? Are you have ability relying on him?

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There was like 0 things i can do about him dying and i’m super mad that corrin died.

Anyways my perfect Ashe scumreading streak is intact lol

@Livi with “we don’t have enough time” lmao


My brain is in overdrive mode rn. Not happy about the Modkill at all. Im going over posts from yesterday.

None of that was luck

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The modkill is fine we can more than recover

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Anyways Sarun

You’re on my shitlist for bringing pressure off of Ashe day 1

Not a fan of your lateness to hop on and eagerness to hop off