Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Pardon this I think. OMGUSing is classic town maxi. Scum Max does not get riled up like this.

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“I don’t like being mean but I do it anyway”




Taking a break

Ping me when Sarun is offline

@PokemonKidRyan can you check me tonight plz. I am kinda interesting

If your going to quote things quote the whole thing.

You know what I meant.

I wanna see your result

If you know what has happened between me and Pug, you should, knowing that you don’t want to and only pressuring people and not telling me what you did is suspicious just by saying I look suspicious. What Im ask wasn’t just for me, it’s for all of us.

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Max, for the last damn time, I’m suspicious of you for this.

I only ask what you did

Not claiming

Max we do this every game.

Stop acting like you are the victim here when you insult people. People want to lynch you because of that and even if your town I bet some people will be glad your lynched. Just try to be nice please it’s not that hard.

Please just tell us someone who you think is scum who isn’t Sarun

Yeah, I said

I just got on and had no idea what was going on.

I wanted to see reasoning first.

If it was a blind push with no reasoning, I’d rather keep her alive for now along with my child than lynch her

Now I’m actually leaving.

I fucking hate you all.

Also you should read

He always gets mad like this I think

You’ve been sheeping the entire game, I have a slight scumlean on you due to your voting patterns and lack of analysis, and now you just ask for my claim? My class is supportive in nature but has hints of JOAT.

Lord Sarun, your point of telling us is very useful to us but I want to know who are you or what side could you be

Remember that spell on Wolfy…? It was cop check… yeah…

Somehow… it showed him as mafia…


What spell?

I got it, like chill man no need to get offended

Guys this outburst is so classic town max. Scum max wouldn’t feel justified enough to chew everyone out like that. Please vote someone else like Livicus who was not on board with the CFD yesterday.

It’s a closed setup, so claims are not exactly that important.

Ooh, I was waiting for you. I need ask you a question if you don’t mind. :thinking:

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