Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

SImon getting modkilled probs

Hippo first tbh

Ok let me be straight. If you have a strong scum lean then better to use your shoot on them probably. (But please don’t do it without a warming).

Which makes me really salty about Pug, I read his Corrin role card and I can see the Corrin + Azura synergy that exists in the actual game too


could’ve been 3 100% ITAs each day

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Nah dayvig =/= ITAs


I thought FK maybe Azura

100% ITA > Dayvig though

because less direct consequences and I can refill them

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Top 10 Anime Disapointments


Although the other problem is that the power goes into Pug’s hands

and he would be always inclined to shoot Memesky first


Corrin has a dayvig ability tho

But it’s in phases @orangeandblack5

I’m STILL mad at pug though and I agree pug should be shamed for getting modkilled and hurting me and town.

I wasn’t I said this before I would wait and I only get other people to destroy the world I don’t do that

yes but the Power of Yato ability that comes after the dayvig

regardless, let’s just determine that we save the inactives for ITAs unless there’s a clear scum we want to get

ITA is 1 PM tomorrow yay :slight_smile:

A reminder didn’t hurt anybody. :wink:

Regardless I’m going back to my basement so I won’t be around for a while. (AKA I won’t respond quickly)

Happy scum hunting everyone!

oh… you know sometimes I wish Ici thought about us Americans too

1 PM should be fine…?


the other one is 1 AM PST

No it’s 4 AM

Is it EST?