Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Cassar is /inned.

Im afraid its a nuke child that kills everyone

When you just get up to go to the bathroom, then check the forums because you were pinged.

I didnt log out when i went to bed last night, so I havent been lurking.

Going to sleep for another 2-3 hours.

That’s suspicious

the focus on the event is strong

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Okay that was fun

hahahaha Ily Captain!

It was indeed.

let’s ITA Marcus out of jealousy

Oh also I forgot about something

/vote GamerPoke

I don’t understand Margaret’s read at all so I’ll just try to make him maybe explain it

There had to be something which locks Poke as town in Margaret’s eyes

I came this far for winning it.I just voted who sounded cool.

ETA until the first ITA session… 7 hours.

ETA until me killing everyone u mean?

Oh noes im prolly asleep during ita

İt is better you are sleeping in ita time


Vulgard lives to see night 2

Also whos our lynch target for today btw


Ok cool

/vote Marcus tad bit salty

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