Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Ability is not aligment.
Reads can be made by everyone.

Give me one GOOD reason.

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He said he actualy trusted me but had internet issues during a night and managed to post only once, while over 30 during a day.

I’ve done everything and I am allowing Orange to make me do anything. If there is an Observer they can watch me.
I can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt
Some people may not be able to.
Furthermore I am active and we previously agreed on ITA targets

So he posted 30 here but 1 to you?

Not talking to you

Pick one.
Or am I misunderstanding

1 during night 30 during day ON OUR MARIAGE CHAT.

30 posts on mariage chat were directed to whi then? Hosts?

There’s no reason to believe you and you’re saying about having no ability.
I’m getting NK vibes who has 2 killing and 2 other abilities.

NK JOAT. That’d be a fun concept

Okay, otherwise - he trusted me enough for me to know his ability wich is confirmed via me asking about death marking.

This pkr vs eevee is just a shitshow. I can’t read it right now.
I’m going to bed goodnight.

For all we know you can be a deathmarker with an ability so you knew for yourself.
You didn’t have to ask Wolfy

PKR you are misunderstanding again.

I need to use ALL abilities to be able to use them AGAIN.

In other words out of 4 days I need to do nothing on one to be able to ise my abilities AGAIN.

What about your ita dodge removal? That’s fun and useful.

Mafia healer died :’)

check your dms :’)

Alright, So this is either TvS or TvT, depending on what happend last night.

If Wolfy Targeted Unknown:
He got hit with two Deathmarks, because Wolfy got a 10% chance to Deathmark someone and Twi Deathmarked Unknown, making it a chance that Unknown died to this. This would make Wolfy the Mafia kill, which would make Eevee look innocent, because he claimed his child`s abilities earlier, and it would make no sense for Maf Eevee to have his partner killed if his child can give him an increasd 50% ITA rate.

If Wolfy Targeted someone else:
If Wolfy targeted someone else, like Shurian and he got deathmarked, then Unknown would still be alive, due to having only one Deathmark on him. Therefore, in this scenario Unknown must have been the Mafia kill, due to being lock town after Ashe`s death, which makes Wolfy either a NK kill, or a town kill. In this likely scenario, it makes Eevee look to be scum, because having Wolfy alive was really good, not just for him, but for Mafia in general, because they could abuse the increased ITA%. The only reason Eevee would reveal what his child does if he was Mafia, was to look more town by doing so, and with limited knowledge to who killed Wolfy or Unknown, he could get away with it.

In all honesty, this looks to be TvT in my books, but Eevee could be scum if Wolfy was not the mafia kill.

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I like that noone is considerong scum PKR after he avoided direct confrontation and was hidding behind orange 3 times in a row :’)

If I’m misunderstanding then that’s hardly my fault. People misunderstand all the time.
Also, that means you get 3 abilities back which is good.
I have to use a night to recharge 2.
I also only get to heal once in a circumstantial way too

Do you know what makes me think you are town. Its how you revealed you had a hero shot in the first place. Scum would never take the risk to do that, unless they desperately wanted town cred.

Furthermore Eevee, I wasn’t hiding behind Orange.
He’s confirmed and you’re not so I wanted to speak to him.
Then we can have his opinion which is more valuable

Okay, tbh from wife to husband, your posts are similar to Marcus`s from earlier. Your looking at orange because hes confirmed and potentially willing to back you up. Your posts also have some LAMIST elements, by stating you are confirmed town, even though this is a closed set up with limited feedback. I can see why Eevee finds you sus.

From husband to wife…
Love, you are misunderstanding me
I am saying my ability was confirmed. Not I am confirmed town.
I am then using this fact along with my complete willingness to cooperate to support my motivation.
If doing what I was told to for confirmation was wrong then I apologise